Have you ever felt like you had so many projects going it was like juggling oranges? Oh, we all have at times, I'm sure.
Right now I'm enjoying that heady experience of spring being in the air. It's so much more fun to walk the dog, and wouldn't it be neat if I could run and skip and jump like I did--nope I'm not gonna say how many years ago.
But there are other projects that grab a person's attention, also. Today I am rejoicing because the wildflower seeds in the planter are sprouting. Yes! It worked to plant them in March! Let's see if they actually will shrug off the frosty nights!
My days are colorful, to say the least, and yours are too, wouldn't you admit? What cheerful summer project are you pulling towards?
I glance at the computer and think of the stories dancing in my head, but nah, not at this time of year. Some of the other ideas I have are almost as imaginative though. How 'bout making a lily pond where we used to grow potatoes and corn? Wouldn't that be cool? (Quite literally if you fell in.) And what about learning the Green Thumber's art of propagating through taking cuttings? Imagine all the lilacs, roses, peonies and flowering crab apple trees that would magically appear! Don't worry, I won't feel bad if you are rolling your eyes. Maybe just maybe I am too, but hey, dreaming is fun. Let's make something special happen this summer!
And oh by the way, when you want to take a break from one of your hot, sweaty projects you've been joyfully pursuing, make sure you have a tall glass of an icy cold drink on hand and...one of my books. They're found on this website: www.marilynshistoricalnovels.com.
I've been trying for hours, seems like to correct the order of the pages. I guess I'll have to go for help, somewhere.