
Marilyn Friesen

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Showing posts with label new book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new book. Show all posts

Monday, January 28, 2019

Not So Dusty Discoveries!

I didn't know saying a simple "yes" could lead to such huge challenges and such a dramatic change in my life. 
 You would think that being swept back into the dirty thirties would be dry, distressing and dreadful, but I'm finding it fascinating! When your second cousins gang up on you to write the story of their fathers who were orphaned at an early age, what do you do? Do you say "Nah, that's not my type of writing?" 
Well, I tried that, but "repented" a couple years later, and you know what,  their story is not a dusty manuel in spite of the setting. 

Would you let your child have a badger for a pet? What if the badger leaps out of a loft and kills a sixty pound pig? 
Did you know that one-room-schoolhouse kids used to race down to the creek at recess time to go swimming then rush back more sweaty than ever when the first bell rings?
 I'm sure having a lot of fun writing this book and learning some amazing stuff.

But really, don't you wish I was working on it rather than rambling away on a blog page?
While you patiently wait to learn more about these seven orphan children, why not meander over to my website. There's more of my work there. 


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Are You in Shock?


Looks like the sequel to Two Mother’s Twin Daughters will be published a whole lot sooner than I had originally suspected. I’ll make it easy for you by saying it will be free if you buy the first book in the series. Keep posted for future details. Remember you can find all my books at

To get this detail email me your proof of purchase image.

Friday, May 19, 2017

I ReCalled It!!

RECALL!! Did you order a copy of Two Mothers, Twin Daughters and find that some chapters had been duplicated? If this is your experience please send the copy to me and I will replace it free of charge. (Meet me on Hangouts for my address.)

Two mothers fleeing the British Isles during World War Two. Why does one worry about being a war bride, while the other one, who is married to a widower, seem more content? Why does Grace, the younger one, give one, but only one of her twin daughters away? Why was Grace's husband sent home from the war? What will it be like leaving a city in England while bombs are exploding and submarines lurking, to settle in a Canadian wilderness? What will happen to the identical twins? How will they cope if, or rather when, they find out they have been separated as newborns? 
Book One of the Grace's Dilemma Series.

Check back from time to time and you will find out when the revised version is ready. Yes, it will be better than ever.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Sevta Collapsed

  Mary rested her hand protectively on her rounded abdomen as she gazed apprehensively to the top of the mudbrick house. Joseph was up there somewhere, hard at work mending the roof before the latter rains descended. She wanted to talk to him. She tested her weight on the first rung of the ladder, then stepped higher. And higher. Soon her gentle brown eyes were peering over the top of the balustrade.

      Joseph straightened when he saw her, and his own eyes widened. "Mary," he exclaimed, "be careful!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Reluctant Drummer

Oh, I know, I know it's taking me an 'awful' long time to get this book out. Here's another tidbit to tantalize your taste buds, and maybe, jut maybe I'll hit send today, yet.  

This is based on a true story that happened in 1549. The wife's name was Hadewijk, but I don't know what the drummer's name was. It happened in Leeuwarden. Do you have any idea where that was?  It is supposed that the martyr was a man by the name of Sikke Sneijder.

“Fabian, please, just do as you’re told,” Hadewijk pleaded worriedly. “You cannot let them know that you are an Anabaptist supporter. Please, for my sake and the children’s don’t make a fuss about it.”

Fabian slammed his fist against the thick wooden table, making the dishes rattle. Anna and Daniel looked up from where they were playing beside the fireplace to see what all the noise was about.
  “Lower your voice,” Hadewijk whispered as she cleared the table.
Fabian scraped back his chair and stretched his legs. Then he tucked them in again and folded his arms across his brawny chest. He scowled.
 Hadewijk carefully stepped around the contented children to retrieve the cauldron of hot water hanging from a hook over the fireplace and prepared her dishwater.
“I’ve known Sikke all my life,” Fabian said when his wife’s long dress brushed against his leg. “Ever since he’s gone and got rebaptized he’s been more likable than ever.”

 He sunk lower into the chair.
 “Shh,” his wife cautioned, “The children are listening.”
He sighed, ignoring her comment. “Now that we are working in the same shop, it gives us plenty of opportunities to discuss what it truly means to be a Christian.
 “Fabian! That’s not safe!”
 “Will you quit worrying all the time? There are more important things than being ‘safe’! There’s a deep hunger in my soul that longs to be satisfied. I want to be sure me, you, and the children make it to Heaven, you know!”
Hadewijk didn’t answer.
“Well, he’s been found out. Someone tattled on him, and he was apprehended.”
Hadewijk groaned, “So he’s in prison now?”
 “Worse than that”—this time he did lower his voice—“he will be executed.”
 “Oh, no! What about Mary... and the little ones? Aren’t they expecting their second baby in a few months?”
Fabian nodded glumly. Daniel leaped up and placed his hand on his father’s shoulder. “Are you talking about ‘Uncle’ Sikke, Papa? Is he going to be killed?”

Fabian turned and hoisted the boy onto his lap. He brushed a lock of white blond hair off his forehead. Anna also stood watching them.

“Not only that but the authorities are insisting that I play the drum to drown out whatever the ‘martyrs”—for that’s what they are!!—have to say.

“Oh, Fabian, surely you didn’t object!”

“I knew better than to object vehemently, but I sure they know how I feel.”

He got up and reached for a bottle of homemade brew in the rough-hewn cupboard by the door. Maybe if I let myself get just a little bit intoxicated it won’t bother me so much.

Hadewijk cast him a stony glare. She never did like it when he drank too much, but this time, he promised he wouldn’t. 

Hadewijk sent the children off to bed. Fabian got the chickens in for the night then went for a long walk beneath the starlit sky. It did little to soothe his agitated spirit.

 “Keep the children off the streets,” Fabian warned the next day and was soon milling with the crowds in the filthy, congested marketplace.
He grimaced when he saw the crowd of soldiers forming a barricade around the prisoner, knowing  full well there were other sympathizers besides him that felt like an injustice was being done  that day. The leaders wanted to avoid a protest.  

He was feeling more than a little tipsy from that last mug of beer gulped down rather convulsively just before dragging himself out of the house. He dared not be late. 

“Ah, here comes the drummer! Now we can start.”

Sikke Sneijder met Fabian’s eye as they bound him, and Fabian dropped his gaze first. There was a light, nay a radiance resting on Sikke’s calm features. It seemed such a shame that a kindly, peace-loving gentleman’s life was to be cut short. “Start drumming, boy,” the magistrate bellowed. “We’re waiting.”

Fabian started drumming all right, and he did it more loudly and vigorously than the occasion required. “Hear ye, hear ye!” he shouted, “A good man is going to be put to death.” His slightly intoxicated tongue wanted to slur the words, but he tried even harder and pounded louder on the large skin-covered drum. 

“Take a look at good Sikke Sneijder; he was a peace-loving neighbor with a kindly heart. Look out for your pocketbooks, my friends, thieves are milling around waiting to rob you while this fine Christian is being offered up!”
 Someone snickered, and others elbowed each other in the ribs.
 “Yes, sir, folks, the world is being turned upside down, today. Mr. Sneijder is bound with chains while even our clergy gets away with wickedness.”
“Is he ever drunk!” someone hooted. “Yeah, crazy as a coot,” another man slapped his thigh then nudged in closer to get a better look at the prisoner who was trying to say something.

But it was Fabian's voice that carried the best. “Whores are stealing your husbands, women, while the upright are being butchered.

“Bang, bang, bangety bang. The wicked are free to roam the streets of our fine city. Bang, bang bangety bang-bang. And our leaders allow it!”

Some of the audience looked at each other then looked down.
“He speaks the truth” one woman whispered to her sister, who nodded her head in agreement.
Soon it was all over. Not one blasphemous utterance spewed forth from the benign saint’s lips, nor even a word of protest did Sikke utter.
 He was ready to go, many observed, and has no fear of Hell or even purgatory.
Fabian looked at his friend one last time, and then his eyes locked with someone else’s. The bailiff: and that man was furious.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fleeing Safety

I told you a tiny book would soon be available from CreateSpace and on Amazon. Here is another excerpt:

Not everyone in that lovely glass fortress was so enthused to be there. On a lower floor, in a back corner of the basement to be exact dwelt two naysayers who rarely mingled with the others. That their section of the glass wall had gotten smudged goes almost without saying. After all, they didn’t want to be there, so why bother polishing windows?

  Gilbert and Arthur were involved in something that looked similar to a game of Chess. They laid out their game pieces to plan their strategy.

“We will be cut off from friends and family if we leave,” Arthur pointed out, moving one of his men.

Gilbert shook his head. “They’ll get over it. They’ll be disappointed, of course, but we’ll keep in touch--”

                          Arthur snorted, If we get around to it.”

             For a few minutes, all that could be heard was the shuffling of game pieces and the occasional squeak of a chair.

            “They say that the Outside World is flat and there is a tremendous drop off at the edge.”

              Gilbert grimaced. “And that we will fall and fall and never stop falling even while being engulfed by flames.”

                “…Sounds scary.”

`”Sure it does, but we’ll stay well away from the drop off point—if there is one.”

“Granddaddy says one can be sucked in quite unexpectedly just about anywhere.”

                “How does he know?”

                “He was there, escaped by the skin of his teeth as it were, when a friend was sucked in.”

  “We’re sitting here scaring each other. That desert looks so attractive with the setting sun lighting it up and there’s hardly any chance of sink-holes there.  We are much too confined in here—and bored: let’s just go. We can always come back.”

Gilbert swept all the game pieces into a cloth bag and tossed it into a drawer.

                          “OK, let’s go.”

They let themselves into the hallway and looked both ways before continuing.

“Where are you going?” a sister paused while scurrying down the hall with a tray for an invalid. “It’s almost suppertime.”

“We’ll soon be back,” Gilbert answered evasively. She leveled a thoughtful look at them but didn’t try to block their way. 

  “Let’s try to go out by the concealed trapdoor. That way we won’t be noticed by so many.”


               “Help,” Arthur yelped, “I didn’t know the descent was so steep!” They looked over the embankment, almost chickening out.

  The castle was built on a cliff with slick embankments on all sides. “I didn’t mean to descend so rapidly,” Arthur muttered a moment later, trying to keep his balance while slowing his pace.

                        Windows flew open here and there.

                         “It’s Arthur: looks like he’s in trouble!”

                          “And Gilbert: throw out the lifeline!”

“No, no, that’s okay,” Gilbert retorted, grabbing on to a thick, twisted root that reminded him ominously of a huge snake. “We’ll make it.”

              Prayers ascended up to the King while they picked their way carefully down the steep embankment but they didn’t listen.

“It’ll be better after we get on to level ground,” Gilbert muttered. He took the liberty to glance back. My, the castle had never looked so beautiful…so strong…and secure…before.

Now that they have faded from view, we will check back at the castle.

Luke 15: 11-32
Romans 8: 3,4
Isaiah 53:6

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Agape's Dart

Agape’s Dart
(An allegory of the church)
In the lookout tower on the Castle of Love, one of the watchmen held the high powered binoculars to his eyes and slowly scanned the desert waste that spread out before him right to the distant horizon.
“Do you see any problems,” the young soldier at his side asked

“See that little group at just slightly less than one-oh-five? They seem to be wearying of the way.”

             “Shall I send a dart, one of Agape's darts?”
The watchman shook his head. “No, not yet; hook up the sound waves to the Computer-Gadget and we will see if will understand what they are saying.”


 The watchman was intently scanning the desert once again. He looked over the top of the glasses. “Yes?”

“I recorded the conversation as a video. It’s rather faint because of static, but let me know what you think of it.”

The watchman adjusted the earphones and turned up the volume; this is what he made out:

“Look, everyone, I see a castle over yonder.”

“Sorry, Fiona, that’s just a mirage. There are no castles in these parts.”

 “But what if it was, just what if: then we could find rest and shelter.”

The watchman whipped off the earphones, eyes shining; “Shoot a dart, shoot one of Agape’s darts,” he cried, “aim true!”

Daniel’s hand trembled as he shot not once, not twice but three times! Others crowded around and watched in breathless suspense as the darts glistened and soared in the dry summer’s heat.

One dart hit the mark: Fiona’s breast. The watching soldiers exuberantly clapped each other on the back while Daniel snatched up the ear phones and someone else the binoculars.

 Fiona’s hand pressed against her chest. “I felt such a warmth come over me when I spoke of that castle, just now. Erik let’s try to find it. Maybe it is a true haven. It looks so beautiful as if the light diffuses from within.”

Erik picked up another dart; it still had a slight glow and was warm to the touch.

“You may be right. I also am weary of this desert land,” but he hesitated, and threw the dart down. The others had already started to walk on ahead.

            Daniel whirled to face his Captain. “May I go? May I rush over there and lead them to safety?”

            The Captain was pleased with the youthful enthusiasm. “Go, lad, but remember to use much tact and discretion. They are used to their old ways and will not be eager to change. ”

            The other young recruits leaned over the balustrade surrounding the tower and watched through their binoculars as he marched swiftly through the gathering darkness, his trusty lamp held high as he traveled.
                        “It’s dangerous out there,” Simon observed.
                         “Yes, but he is following instructions, and not going out on his own,” James reminded him.
 Simon nodded as they watched the tiny prick of light grow smaller then leap high when Daniel reached the group who now sitting on boulders and eating their lunch.
 “May the King bless his efforts,” The watchman murmured with moist eyes, while the others nodded in agreement.
While Daniel is valiantly making his way across rugged territory to find the wanderers, we will take a peek in on some unhappy campers who chose a basement suite in the glorious Castle of Light.

Ezekiel: 34: 11, 12, 16
Luke 15

Here's a glimpse of my tiny book that will soon be available at Amazon and Kindle. It's less than seven dollars, paper-copy which makes it easy to enjoy. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Guess What I Found!

Guess what I found on the internet today? No it wasn't in an archeological dig way out in the Middle East somewhere, but it was still fascinating. It was a book. It looked old fashioned in a way and the pictures were kind of blurry, but the cover sure looked antique! I thought the pages would have been more yellow with a parchment-y look, but I guess they are better at preserving things that we figured, eh? Anyway, it was a book called Mary's Diary. WOW! I mean double-wow! Who could have had a more intimate relationship with Jesus, the Son of God, than His own birth mother! Who could have cared more to get the facts right and to portray His life in a as loving a way as possible? And guess what?! It even covers those hidden years of when He was a little boy in Egypt. (He must have been such a cute, sweet little fella.) .
I'm quit bugging you so you can find out for yourself. https://www.createspace.com/4837922

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What Am I Getting Into?

Dear Diary 
I am so frightened. Someone saw my diary scrolls and wants to get them distributed. 
They are from a strange, far away place and are asking to stick them on the Internet and do other queer things with them. 
Did I even spell that odd word right? I have NO idea what they are talking about. 
Oh I wish Jesus was here so I could ask His advice, but He floated up to Heaven in a cloud. 

But…on the other hand, it was such a wonderful, yet often terrifying experience raising Jesus from a little boy and watching Him develop into a strong caring Man. He brought joy, healing and peace to so many people and yet they killed Him in the most awful way imaginable!Maybe I should let those strangers do whatever they think is best with my scrolls. It would be so nice if others could know how wonderful He really is. I sure hope no one in our village finds out, though, that I did something so outlandish! They'd never understand what happened to me. 
Love, Mary
This book will soon be available through Amazon, CreateSpace and elsewhere soon. 
You can pick up your  ebook copy at www.hollywoodbooktrailers.com