Diary, She sat down and stared at the words
once again, then picked up her pen. Memories came flooding back. From her viewpoint
the most precious recollection of them all seemed to be enshrined in gold. I
was so happy that summer when I was nine.
Les and Bonny cared for me like a daughter. I know they cared even
though I stressed them out many a time with my wild ways. But I blew it. I blew
it! I chose not to stay, and every home since then has been worse in one way or
another. I never knew it would be such a rocky road if I took my own way, but
how can I ever get back to that peace and serenity I knew as a kid on the farm?
pressed her fingers against her lips to keep them from trembling, but the tears
pooling in her eyes couldn’t be so easily stooped. I even stooped to asking
Les’ if they would take me in; let me find a job in their community, but no, of
course not. It was too late. They had their own children to think about. They
didn’t say so, but I knew they thought I might be a bad influence on them. And
it’s true. I might.
She viciously tore the tear stained paper out of the notebook, ripped it
in half, crumbled it, and tossed it on the floor. I’m not the same girl I was
then. In some ways I am even worse. And, yeah, their children would be curious
to know what I have gone through, and in a weak moment, I would tell them…and
relish it.
Oh God what do I do about this longing in my breast, so dull and yet so
real? I want a different life. I want to find that light at the end of the
tunnel but there are so many boulders in the way. How will I ever find it? She
lay her head down on the desk and wept.
Come unto me all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest
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