A big smile lighted Manley’s face as he leaped out of his gilded chariot and strode over to the high attractive walls surrounding the castle. His father met him, and after giving him a welcoming hug, with a flourish swung open the gate.

This will all be yours," he announced, "On your twenty first birthday. "
As they strolled around the grounds together, Manley could seem to think of only one word to say. "Wow!" he ejaculated, then again. "Wow!"
It had been a long day for Manley, and eventually he found a cushy spot by a burbling brook to have a nap.
While he was sleeping, his father went to consult the staff once again.
"Manley seems delighted with it all, but sooner or later he will notice something is missing."
They all looked surprised. Everyone had thought it was perfect; gloriously, wonderfully perfect, and a gift of unspeakable love.
So the King explained Himself. "Soon Manley will notice that each of the animals and even his feathered friends have a special companion, but not he. I don’t want him to experience loneliness."
They all nodded quietly. That was so like the Father’s heart to consider that.
"I will make sure he has a companion," the King continued. "I will make sure He has someone who is lovelier by far than anyone else in the entire kingdom."
The staff smiled at each other. This should be good.
Eventually Manley awakened. At first he thought he was in a dream when he saw his beautiful surroundings, but they he was sure he was. Apparently out of thin air the most glorious being had materialized. He touched her tentatively to see if she was real.
"Don’t worry, Manley, I’m real." The lovely creature giggled and the music rivaled the nearby waterfall for its beauty. "Your Father did not want you to be lonely so I am here to be your companion."
Manley gazed at her awestruck and couldn’t seem to keep from looking. Finally She-ila, for that was her name, reached for his arm and he rose to his feet.
" Come, let’s take a tour," she invited, and arm in arm they strolled the gardens.
It seems like every time I take a walk I discover something not noticed earlier. "Sheila, isn’t this an adorable nest in this flowering bush? The eggs are such an incredible blue."
Sheila stroked the mama bird with one finger. "She looks so bright eyed and happy," she added.
From a distance the Father was smiling His approval for he had noticed that Manley was looking more at the lovely creature he had just fashioned for him than at the splendid estates.
Books by Marilyn Friesen: www.iuniverse.com/ - United States
This will all be yours," he announced, "On your twenty first birthday. "
As they strolled around the grounds together, Manley could seem to think of only one word to say. "Wow!" he ejaculated, then again. "Wow!"
It had been a long day for Manley, and eventually he found a cushy spot by a burbling brook to have a nap.
While he was sleeping, his father went to consult the staff once again.
"Manley seems delighted with it all, but sooner or later he will notice something is missing."
They all looked surprised. Everyone had thought it was perfect; gloriously, wonderfully perfect, and a gift of unspeakable love.
So the King explained Himself. "Soon Manley will notice that each of the animals and even his feathered friends have a special companion, but not he. I don’t want him to experience loneliness."
They all nodded quietly. That was so like the Father’s heart to consider that.
"I will make sure he has a companion," the King continued. "I will make sure He has someone who is lovelier by far than anyone else in the entire kingdom."
The staff smiled at each other. This should be good.
Eventually Manley awakened. At first he thought he was in a dream when he saw his beautiful surroundings, but they he was sure he was. Apparently out of thin air the most glorious being had materialized. He touched her tentatively to see if she was real.
"Don’t worry, Manley, I’m real." The lovely creature giggled and the music rivaled the nearby waterfall for its beauty. "Your Father did not want you to be lonely so I am here to be your companion."
Manley gazed at her awestruck and couldn’t seem to keep from looking. Finally She-ila, for that was her name, reached for his arm and he rose to his feet.
" Come, let’s take a tour," she invited, and arm in arm they strolled the gardens.
It seems like every time I take a walk I discover something not noticed earlier. "Sheila, isn’t this an adorable nest in this flowering bush? The eggs are such an incredible blue."
Sheila stroked the mama bird with one finger. "She looks so bright eyed and happy," she added.
From a distance the Father was smiling His approval for he had noticed that Manley was looking more at the lovely creature he had just fashioned for him than at the splendid estates.
Books by Marilyn Friesen: www.iuniverse.com/ - United States
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