I dreamed I had a twin, Mommy.
Alice was just a little girl but she had always wished to have a sister
"just her size." Sometimes she even dreamed about it. Once her
dream was so vivid that Alice told her Mommy.
"I dreamed I had a twinnie, Mommy."
Alice didn't notice the uneasy look on her mother's face when she responded.
"Oh, was it a nice dream?"
"I'm not sure. In some ways I liked it."
"Why wouldn't you like to dream that, honey?"
Alice's blue eyes filled with tears.
"I wish I had a twin, Mommy. I REALLY do."
Margaret's face grew pale but she kept her voice even. "Why don't you tell me about your dream, sweetheart."
"I dreamed we were shopping in Hal'fax an' I was lookin in the windows of a store--I think it was a toy store! And you know what! This little girl was lookin out of the win'ow at me! And you know what, Mommy? She looked jist like me! Jist like me!"
"That was your reflection, honey."
Alice grew thoughtful, then she shook her head vigorously. "No Mommy. She looked jist like me but she wasn't dressed like me. She had long, pretty braids, and I don't." She scuffed her navy and white oxford shoe against the ground. "An' Mommy, her dress was different."
You'll find out more about Emily and Margaret in the book
Two Mothers, Twin Daughters.
P.S. I spit the book in two! Check it out at www.marilynshistoricalnovels.com Which do you like best? The original, one big book or the two with a juicy new ending?
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