(A true story)
“ One of the strangest
experiences in my life is connected with war, says Nordenberg, an eminent
engineer in Finland.
“I offered my services to the government and was appointed as an officer
in General Mannerheim’s army. It was a terrible time. We besieged the town. It
had been taken by the Red Army and we retook it. A number of the Red soldiers
were under my guard. Seven of them were to be shot at dawn on Monday. I shall
never forget the preceeding Sunday. The seven doomed men were kept in the
basement of the town hall. In the passageway my men stood at attention with
their rifles.
“The atmosphere was filled with hatred. My soldiers were drunk with
victory and taunted their prisoners. Some swore as much as they could and beat
the walls with their bleeding fists. Others called for their wives and children
who were far away. At dawn they were all to die.
“We had the victory, that was true enough; but the value of this seemed
to diminish as the night advanced. I began to wonder if there did not rest a
curse on arms whichever side used them.
“Then something happened. One of the men doomed to death began to sing.
“He is mad” was everybody’s first thought. But I had noticed this man,
Koskinen, had not raved and curved like the others. Quietly he had sat on the
bench, a picture of utter despair.
Nobody said anything to him—each was carrying his burden in his own way
and Koskinen sang, rather waveringly at first, but then his voice grew
stronger, and filled out, and became natural and free. All the prisoners turned
to look at the singer who now seemed to be in his element.
Safe in the arms of Jesus
Safe on His gentle breast
There by His love o’er shadowed
Sweetly my soul shall rest
Hark tis the voice of angels
Born in a song to me
Over the fields of glory,
Over the jasper sea.
“Over and over again Koskinen sang that verse and when he was
finished everyone was quiet for a few minutes until a wild-looking individual
broke out with “Where did you get that, you fool? Are you trying to make us
religious?” Koskinen looked at his
comrades and his eyes filled with tears. Then he asked quietly, “Comrades, will
you listen to me for a few minutes? You asked me where I got that song. It was
from the Salvation Army. I heard it
there three weeks ago. At first I also laughed but it got to me. It is cowardly
to hide your beliefs; the God my mother believed in has now become my God also.
I cannot tell how it happened, but I know it has happened. I lay awake last night and suddenly felt I
had to find the Savior and hide in Him. Then I prayed-like the thief on the
cross-that Christ would forgive me and cleanse my sinful soul, and make me
ready to stand before Him whom I should meet soon.”
“It was a strange night, “continued Koskinen. “There were times when
everything seemed to shine around me. Verses from the Bible and from the Song
Book came to mind. They brought a message of the crucified Savior and the blood
that cleanses from sin and of the Home He has prepared for us. I thanked Him,
accepted it, and since then this verse has been sounding inside me. It was
God’s answer to my prayer. I could no longer keep it to myself. Within a few
hours I shall be with the Lord, saved by His grace.
“Koskinen’s face shone as by an inward light. His comrades sat there
quietly. He himself stood there transfixed. My soldiers were listening to what
this Red revolutionary had to say.
““You are right, Koskinen,” one of of his comrades said at last. “If only I knew
there was mercy for me too! But these hands of mine have shed blood and I have
reviled God and trampled on all that is holy.
Now I realize that there is a Hell and that it is the proper place for
“He sank to the ground with despair depicted
on his face. “Pray for me Koskinen,” he
groaned, “Tomorrow I will die and my soul will be in the hands of the devil!”
“And there these two Red soldiers went down
on their knees and prayed for each other. It was no long prayer, but it opened
Heaven for both, and we who listened to it forgot our hatred. It melted in the
light from Heaven, for here two men who were soon to die, sought reconciliation
with God. A door leading into the invisible stood ajar and we were entranced by
the sight.
“Let me tell you shortly that by the time it
was four o’clock all Koskinen’s comrades had followed his example and began to
pray. The change in the atmosphere was indescribable. Some of them sat on the
floor, others talked of spiritual things.
“The night had almost gone and day was
dawning. No one had a moments sleep. “Sing the song once more for us,
Koskinen,” said one of them. And you should of head them sing! Not only that
song, but verses and choruses long forgotten came forth from their memories as
buds (opening) in the sunshine. The soldiers on guard united their voices with
“The town clock struck six. How I wished I
could have begged grace for these men, but knew this was impossible.
“Between two rows of soldiers they marched
out to execution. One of them asked to be allowed once more to sing Koskinen’s
song. Permission was granted. Then they asked to die with uncovered faces and
hands raised to Heaven. They sang with might and main.
‘Safe in the arms of Jesus
Safe on His gentle breast…’
“When the last lines had died out the
lieutenant gave the word “Fire!” and the seven Red soldiers had fought their
last fight. We inclined our heads in
silent prayer.
“What happened to the hearts of the others,
I do not know, but as far as I was concerned, I was a new man from that hour. I
had met Christ in one of His lowliest and youngest disciples and I had seen
enough to realize that I too, could be His.
“The Lord looketh from Heaven: He beholdeth all the sons of men.” Psalms
“Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the
life: he that believeth in me, though he
were to die, yet shall he live. John 11:25 RV)
Translated for “All the World” by Major Clara Becker. The War Cry